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    China Vows To “Crush” US On South China “Front” | “PLA Won’t Show Patience On Foreign

    A senior Chinese military official has issued a stern warning regarding any foreign interference in the South China Sea. Speaking to journalists at the Xiangshan forum, General He Lei said: “We hope that the South China Sea will remain a sea of peace.”However, he also warned that if the US were to involve itself directly or indirectly in the region, China would respond.The South China Sea has been a flashpoint in recent years, with China asserting territorial claims that overlap with those of several other nations. Despite an international court ruling denying the legitimacy of China’s claims, Beijing continues to enforce its claims aggressively which has led to frequent confrontations with vessels from countries like the Philippines. In recent months, the South China Sea has seen a series of high-profile incidents involving Chinese and Philippine vessels. Chinese ships have been involved in direct confrontations with Philippine vessels, leading to heightened tensions.

    Read More: China Vows To “Crush” US On South China “Front” | “PLA Won’t Show Patience On Foreign


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