    HomeLifestyleWhat Happens When You Go Booze-free For A Month? - News18

    What Happens When You Go Booze-free For A Month? – News18

    Quitting alcohol for a month can have significant effects on skin and overall quality of life.

    Quitting alcohol for a month can have significant effects on skin and overall quality of life.

    Alcohol weakens the immune system and carries a risk for many diseases, such as heart attacks and cancer.

    From cinema halls to messages on liquor bottles, we have read the warning, “Alcohol consumption is injurious to health.” Still, alcohol is one of the most consumed drinks. It weakens the immune system and carries a risk for numerous diseases, such as heart attacks and cancer. In severe cases of withdrawal, a person may experience seizures or even death.

    Abstaining from alcohol does not come easy, however, those who quit alcohol for a month can have some after-effects on health, skin, well-being, and quality of life. Let’s have a look at some short-term and long-term benefits of going booze-free.

    Improved sleep

    Alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or poor sleep quality. Quitting can help you sleep better.

    Weight loss or maintenance

    Drinking can contribute to weight gain because of the high-calorie content in alcohol. Hence, abstaining can help you lose or maintain a healthy weight.

    Reduced risk of chronic diseases

    It is not unknown that alcohol is linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease or certain types of cancer. Quitting alcohol for a month can significantly reduce your risk of these diseases.

    Recover from Liver Damage

    Regular alcohol consumption impacts the liver cells and can lead to liver disease. But avoiding it, the liver has the chance to regenerate and improve its function. In less than a month of living like a teetotaler, you can improve your liver damage by 15 to 20 per cent.

    Brain Functioning

    Alcohol takes a toll on the brain and can lead to short-term damages like poor decision-making or memory issues. Thirty days of being alcohol-free can drastically improve brain functioning. Moreover, excessive drinking can impact your mood, making you feel anxious and foggy.

    Reduced premature ageing

    Excessive drinking can accelerate the ageing process by damaging collagen and elastin, the proteins that give your skin its structure and elasticity. When you stop alcohol consumption for a month, it can help slow down this process, resulting in smoother skin.

    Better digestion

    You must have experienced an upset stomach after drinking. The body takes energy from ethanol and hampers the natural metabolism process. Consumption of alcohol can also cause inflammation in the liver and the stomach lining. But when you stop it for 30 days, the metabolism boosts, and you can start observing your body burn fat faster than ever.

    Improve overall skin health

    Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of deteriorating skin health. Hence, the longer you stay alcohol-free, the more time your skin will have to renew and restore. With no alcohol consumption, your skin will begin to heal, helping your skin achieve a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

    Read More: What Happens When You Go Booze-free For A Month? – News18


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